Snow-covered mountain with trees and a visible rocky peak under a clear sky.


We are a community of over 800 off-duty park rangers rallying to save National Park sites.

We preserve and protect public lands; we are America’s history keepers and storytellers.

Some of us have been illegally fired. Some of us are retired. All of us are determined to continue.

Join us on this uphill trail - the parks you love need you.

Half Dome under a starry night sky in Yosemite National Park.


Inspiring action images coming soon

“Nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world”

By Anne Frank, from Anne Frank's Tales from the Secret Annex

From California to the New York Islands (and beyond!)

This land and its people are beautiful.

But now, both the nation and the people who steward it are threatened.

Public land agencies have long struggled under the burden of underfunding and efforts to privatize them for extraction of resources and wealth. Historical and cultural sites have been targets for redevelopment and erasure of their critical, diverse stories. Ecological and Indigenous communities—who are intrinsically tied to these landscapes since time immemorial - have suffered under these assaults.

Through intentional initiatives, relationship and trust building, development of park programs, and improved public access to materials, the National Park system has worked towards protecting public land and rectifying the historical injustices of our nation.

For these reasons, the NPS has (once again) drawn particular ire from those who wish to undo this important work.

What is different this time? We have history to learn from. We’ve fought these battles before. With your help, we will continue to do so.

A group of protesting showing up to LAVO and protesting with so much snow all around them!
A group of protesters in front of the Lincoln memorial in DC
A group of protesters showing up to FOMC near Baltimore to show their support for the historic sites and green spaces!
A group of protesters showing up at ARCH to show their support for the parks and public land!
Protesters at Indiana Sand Dunes

We are thankful for the use of the Resistance Rangers Jolly Roger, designed by the talented Mark of the Feral.

Get your own at his online store.

Jolly Roger for the resistance rangers. A white skull with crossbones and an NPS flat hat, all in white with a black background.